Curiously Present
Curiously Present
Andrea Fagenholz

Welcome to Curiously Present

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About Me

Hi! Thanks for being here :) 

My intention behind this space is to provide you insightful resources to support you during challenging times. I'm talking EFT Tapping, Hypnosis, Dream Understanding, Guided Imagery just to name a few. These methods completely transformed my life, supporting me through major career shifts, discovering my truest self, motherhood, cross country moves, grief and so much more. Tools that showed up in ways that I didn't even know were possible, bringing me to one of my greatest realizations: We are never stuck.  If we understand our subconscious, we can shift ANY limiting belief, emotion or pattern holding us back.
I am a certified Hypnotherapist, Advanced EFT & NLP Practitioner. I incorporate intentional sensory based Guided Imagery into my practice & utilize the power of the subconscious mind in order to create everlasting change.
As a connector, I thrive on intentional conversations. I value all of you & am honored to witness how each step, each learning, each AHA moves you closer to your limitless potential.
So here, my friends, is a safe space to open your heart in connection & to gain a deeper understanding of your mind.

Why You Should Join Me

This space is for you if you're ready to: 

-Step back into your power

-Understand yourself on a deeper more sound level 

-Feel confident in your ability to easily connect with your subconscious mind & create the changes you desire

-Surround yourself if a community of like-minded soulFULL people

A Big Thanks

To all of YOU. For showing up for yourself, for being open to learn and for joining me & the rest of this community on this beautiful awakening/transformation.